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Rocky Horror Trivia

1. What color are the gloves Dr. Frank-N-Furter wears in the lab?

2. “It’s just a jump to the __________.”

3. What is wrong with Brad and Janet’s car that causes them to search, in the rain, for a telephone?

4. “You’ve come on a very special night,” would be followed by what word?

5. What word is written above the heart on Frank-N-Furter’s tattoo?

6. What is the name of the red-haired tapdancing girl?

7. Where did the castle’s owner come from?

8. What is the name of the book that the narrator reads from?

9. After Frank subtly implies that they are eating Eddie, the audience sings songs about who gets the joke and who doesn’t. What order does the song list the names?

10. What is written on Eddie’s left hand?